DeeSigns BSL Foundation.

I am a trustee for the charity who work with the deaf community, I offer supervision for the service and use interpreters to assist me. The charity is new and took several years to set up. I am very happy to be of assistance to the charity,

London Fire and Rescue Service

As many of you will be aware of the fire in London, a number of us offered our time and expertise to help our firefighters cope with the psychological impact of attending Grenfell Tower and have been called on to help asses the firefighters for PTSD and related trauma connected to this incident. We will be continuing to support when needed by volunteering our services.

Having done this it seems so many have been affected not only in LFB but all the frontline workers may also experience troubled memories. If you have been affected please get in touch we would be happy to discuss how you too can get help.


Heads Together

We are supporting the Heads together campaign with Prince William and Prince Harry.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading the Heads Together campaign to end stigma around mental health. Heads Together aims to change the national conversation on mental health and wellbeing, and is a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges.

There has been huge progress made to tackle stigma surrounding mental health in recent decades, but it still remains a key issue driven by negative associations, experience and language. Through this campaign, Their Royal Highnesses are keen to build on the great work that is already taking place across the country, to ensure that people feel comfortable with their everyday mental wellbeing, feel able to support their friends and families through difficult times, and that stigma no longer prevents people getting help they need.


Dacorum Dens Award 2015

Seven exciting entrepreneurs from across Dacorum have won financial backing from a panel of judges after an intensive day of business cross-questioning in the style of TV's Dragons Den.

Andy Cook from FFEI, one of the Dacorum's Den judges. He said: “Great ideas often develop into large businesses and it was exciting to hear from people who have such superb insights. I am looking forward to watching these businesses grow.”

Fellow judge and Hemel Hempstead MP Mike Penning chaired the panel and said: “It was great to see and hear from the entrepreneurs who I am sure will be driving economic growth and employment in Dacorum in future years. Sometimes a relatively small investment in a business idea can go a long way.”

Chris Taylor, Dacorum Borough Council's Group Manager for Strategic Planning & Regeneration said: “Dacorum Borough Council is supporting economic growth and employment in a number of ways, encouraging inward investment and business growth, the Regeneration projects and Dacorum's Den. It's not all about large amounts of money and big projects. Sometimes a little bit of help can go a long way.”

The Dacorum's Den judges were: Mike Penning MP; Andy Cook (FFEI); Chris Taylor (Dacorum Borough Council); Ambi Singh (Corona Properties) and Peter Willson (Hopespare).

The judging took place on Friday, June 12 at Maylands Business Centre and the winning projects are:

The Acorn Wellbeing Centre self-employed therapist Helen Lehrle and her team of clinical therapists are developing the counselling services. They used their £1,500 Dacorum's Den money to build this website.

