Watford and Three Rivers Adult Disability Team:

The learning disability team, Herts County Council. We worked with the team delivering Health and wellbeing sessions, this includes Yoga and Complementary Therapies.

Hertfordshire Adult & Family Learning Service (HAFLS)

We are working with the Community & Specialist Services to provide support for clients getting back into work. We provide counselling at low cost for their service users.

Cruse Bereavement Support

Support Cruse Bereavement Care with supervision and also lecturing in bereavement support for new volunteers.


The Hospice of St Francis

Helen volunteered for 7 years at The Hospice of St Francis, Helen has offered bereavement counselling there. The hospice is not only a place for palliative care it is a place for wellbeing and learning. 

You can become a Corporate Partner which means you can donate a regular amount of money to the hospice every month which goes towards the £4.6 million required each year to fund the care at the hospice.  Every penny helps raise funds to keep this charity providing support when the time really matters. To donate lease contact the hospice directly on 01442 869550 and ask for fundraising.

Chiltern Youth Matters ( Way In ) Way In is now closing 31st March

Helen offers support to other charities for example Way In  Home (way-in.uk)

Way In was established in 1988. We are a small charity that provide a confidential counselling service. We are a registered charity offering counselling for young people, children and families in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Our age range we work with is 12-30 years.